The Singer-Songwriter’s Official Website


Downloads, Pictures

Links have been added to download each song of Paper Sky. Also, two new pictures have been added. Expect more to come by the end of the weekend.


Anonymous said...

wow you else thinks she can sing...... to be only like 15 and sing like that is amazing.

who thinks she should go on canadian idol??
does anyone else agree with me ?

Anonymous said...

who else **

Anonymous said...

ehh....idk. Those "idol" shows r 4 sell-outs. Stay indie as long/much as possible & keep artistic integrity!

Anonymous said...

she'd gain popularity, she has a good chance at getting pretty far into it too

Anonymous said...

"she'd gain popularity, she has a good chance at getting pretty far into it too"

tru, i'd agree with that, but the deals u make limit ur artistic rights like madd.
she's gotta strike the intricate balance of becoming popular/makin $, & stayin tru 2 the music.

Anonymous said...

Hi from Japan...Tilly's aunt here!!! Just got the posting on Facebook and immediatey went to your site. We hear so much about you from Till. Wow...YOU are amazing! I am sitting on the balcony of my 14th storey apt. , listening to your tunes. Such a mature voice with lyrics to match. I want to add them to my playlist for the Ottawa marathon next month. I had some confusion with the download...but here's a better idea!!! I'll buy a SIGNED CD when I come to Fred. in May. Can't wait to meet you!